Thoughts turning inward

Terry and I went to see Captain America last night- excellent movie! It had all my favorite qualities- lots and lots of explosions, easily recognizable good and bad guys (I hate movies that make you think), Hugo Weaving and his spectacular eyebrows. It is a great Summer flick, and Terry announced that the day it comes out on Blu-Ray, he’s getting it. That very day, and he’s going to watch it that night. Capt. America has always been his favorite superhero, and if you know Terry, you’d know why. They are of similar attitudes- compassionate, patriotic, won’t-back-down-from-a-righteous-fight.

On the way home from the show, he was kind of antsy, sort of bouncing in his seat a little bit. Then on the 301 by-pass,between hwy 67 and Mainstreet, right there by Sonny’s BBQ and The Millhouse, he said “open up the glove box and see what’s inside.” So I did, expecting that he’d want me to pull out a map or the tire gauge or something equally boring. In the glove box were 2 white obviously jewelry ring boxes.


“Open one of them up.” he said

“which one?” they were identical.

“Either one”

So I did and inside was a man’s platinum wedding band channel set with 5 small diamonds.


“Now open the other one.”

So I did and inside was a woman’s platinum wedding band channel set with(let me count them) 12 small glittering diamonds.

“Happy Anniversary! Icouldn’twaittogiveittoyou!”


“I bet you thought I forgot. I bet you thought I couldn’t pull this off.”


See, I am not a BIG FANCY JEWELRY sort of person. I can admire the diamond paperweights friends wear, without wanting to own one. Generally speaking, a wedding band is the only jewelry I ever wear. Well ok not EVER, there is another ring, from our 10th anniversary, that I wear, but I’m not into hanging things all over my body. This ring, however, is perfect. It’s quiet and understated,with my favorite type of setting, and just enough sparkle to catch my eye.

You see, tomorrow is our 25th anniversary. We’d talked about getting new wedding bands,as neither of us is as svelte as we were 25 years ago. I had figured we’d go in and get a couple of plain gold bands of the sort we’d always had. Being cheap and all. But he had other ideas! Oh yes!

and now I’m constantly stopping to look at this sparkling thing on my left hand and wondering how he managed to pull it off. But there it is.

Tomorrow is our anniversary. 25 years of roller coasters and children and job changes and moving all over the Southeast. I’ll write more about it tomorrow. For now I have to go admire my left hand.

About rootietoot

I do what I can.
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6 Responses to Thoughts turning inward

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Happy Anniversary.

    Way to go Terry!

  2. Jo says:

    Yes, Happy Anniversary to you guys! Hope I can make it to 25 years!

    What a great surprise. You have a wonderful husband–but you knew that, right?

  3. jerseechik says:

    Wow, that is so cool I’m almost crying. That is a Real Man, ’cause I’ll bet he’s been planning this -and saving up-since your first anniversary.

    But I will tease you both and say, “25th is silver, not platinum, so you have to take them back.”

    Srsly, Happy, Happy Anniversary- and another 25 years of the Most Successful Marriage in America to you!

    • Terry says:

      If I had gotten silver, mine would have tarnished away the first time I wore it. So I got something that looks silver but will not tarnish in my toxic sweat.

  4. Happy Anniversary! How very sweet.

    We took the kids to see Captain America this weekend and enjoyed it too.

  5. Have the T-shirt says:

    Happy Anniversary! 25 years….that’s just great. You picked a good one dear, and so did he!

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